Thursday, November 14, 2013

Imagine Musa Tabling a RM40 Billion 2014 Sabah Budget–Dr.Jeffrey

Kota Kinabalu:  “The Chief Minister should be able to table a record-breaking RM40 billion Sabah Budget for 2014, if the calls by Malay ultras to chase out Christian Malaysians and Sabah out of the Federation are realized before year-end”said DatukDr. Jeffrey Kitingan, STAR Sabah Chief, rueing what could happen to the Sabah economy for 2014 with the CM due to present the 2014State Budget  .

The RM40 billion budget, a ten-fold increase from the historical RM4.048 billion spent for 2013, will set Sabah’s economy into lift-off into the super league of wealthy nations. 

It may be a record of sorts but RM40 billion revenue is a conservative estimate.  Oil revenue will contribute RM20 billion, half of the total revenue, which is not unexpected given the current world oil prices of above USD100 per barrel.   The federal tax department announced it could collect up to RM40 billion for 2013 from Sabah.

Add to it, all the federal departments’ collections from Sabah could be another several billion ringgit.  The corporate sector could contribute many billions more now that they will have to pay tax on revenue based on income derived from Sabah.  Palm oil revenue could be very significant as Sabah is the world’s third biggest producer of crude palm oil, about 36% of Malaysia’s total of about RM73 billion a year.

Local contribution of State revenue is estimated another RM2.4 billion based on 2013’s estimated revenue of  RM3.828 billion inclusive of RM1.42 billion from federal coffers.  In fact, looking at the figures, the 2014 Budget could exceed RM60 billion all in.

For 2013, the estimated expenditure was RM663.17 million for emoluments, recurrent expendituresof RM1,087.93 million and special expendituresof RM2,337.38 million (which formed the bulk of the RM2.42 billion development expenditure).

Giving a 6% increase, the emoluments will rise to RM702.96 million and RM1,153.21 million for recurrent expenditures, totalling RM1,856.17 million.  

To create a quantum leap in the economy and development, each of the 60 Constituencies could be allocated RM300 million each (RM25 million per month), totalling RM18 billion, a 7-1/2 times increase from 2013.  In other words, Sabah will get development in a single year of what would take 7-1/2 years to achieve given the 2013 Budget. And to alleviate the people’s financial position, each of the 3.2 million Sabahans will be given a RM1,000 special dividend which will utilize another RM3.2 billion.

The total Budget expenditure will total RM23.05717 billion leaving a surplus of RM16.94283 billion.

Assuming Sabah takes back control of the security forces comprising some 16,000 police, PGA and maritime personnel, which may cost Sabah another RM600 million.    Putting aside RM1.0 billion should be able to cover the additional costs of assuming State control of the security forces including 5,000 army personnel.

That would still leave a healthy and hefty RM15.94 billion to be added to Sabah’s reserves which is said to be about RM3 billion currently.

Even with prudent financial planning, Selangor, the richest Malaysian state only managed to increase its State reserves from RM700 million in 2008 to RM3 billion in 2013.

Imagine RM15.94 billion reserves in 2014 alone, Selangor would seem poor in comparison and probably take another 20 years to catch up.   The RM15.94 billion reserves will result in each and every Sabahan having a healthy credit balance of RM4,981 compared to the national debt of some RM600 billion or RM21,000 debt for every Malaysian.

In fact, Sabah would be in the company of Singapore and Brunei.  Speaking of Brunei, petrol and diesel price in Sabah could be at RM1.35 per litre, equivalent to Brunei.

The RM40 billion Budget is not wishful thinking.  It will be reality if the federal government agree with and allow the Malay ultras to succeed in chasing out Sabah from the Federation.  It’s something for each and every Sabahan to ponder on.

Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan
Chairman, STAR Sabah
13 November 2013

EPU Report Re-Affirms Chronic Poverty in Sabah–Dr.Jeffrey

Kota Kinabalu:    “The recent disclosures of the poverty and abject poverty figures for Sabah, Sarawak and the nation by the Economic Planning Unit (EPU) of the PM’s Department clearly contradicts the rosy picture painted by the Sabah government on the alleviation of poverty in Sabah," said Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, STAR Sabah Chief, commenting on the poverty levels in Sabah.

According to EPU figures, Sabah had 53.5% of the abject poor households in the nation while Sarawak accounted for 11.4%.   In the poor household category, Sabah had 39.3% while Sarawak had 11.7%. 

No. of abject poor households
8,457 (53.5%)
1,801 (11.4%)
5,547 (35.1%)
15,805 (100%)
No. of poor households
42,400 (39.3%)
12,600 (11.7%)
53,000 (49.0%)
108,000 (100%)

Whatever the cut-off points in the definition of abject poor and poor categories and the number of households involved, the percentages reveal glaring failures of the federal and Sabah governments in resolving the poverty problems in Sabah.  

The efforts of the Sabah government in reducing poverty levels in Sabah are poor and miserable compared to the efforts of the Sarawak government, if the numbers of the Prime Minister’s Department are relied upon.   Yet, the Sabah government has been boasting that they have done a good job in reducing poverty in Sabah.

In truth, in the villages and even in urban and suburban areas of Sabah, one only need to see and ask casually of the poverty levels and it will not be surprising that there are more than 8,457 abject poor households and 42,400 poor households.    The real numbers will probably be 5 to 10 times more.

The irony of it all that while Sabah and Sarawak are the poorest in Malaysia, they are the two (2) biggest oil and gas producers and contributed about RM18 billion and RM45 billion respectively to Petronas and the federal government in 2012.   On their part, Sabah only received about RM941 million and Sarawak RM2.37 billion for their 5% share.

As a figurative comparison to totally resolve the 8,457 and 1,801 households in Sabah and Sarawak, it will only cost a one-off sum of RM820.64 million.   This is derived by giving each household the equivalent of RM80,000 comprising a house costing RM40,000 and another RM40,000 in special agricultural grant to develop their own 15 acres plot of land.   Assuming a RM300 monthly return on each acre of their agriculture, they will be each getting RM4,500 per month in household income, higher than most university graduates’ income.   

What is RM820 million compared to the RM63 billion of oil and gas “stolen”annually from Sabah and Sarawak?
On a more serious note, the Sabah government should take immediate steps look into and help solve the poverty problems of these 8,457 and 42,400 households.

One of the most immediate steps that can be taken by the Sabah government is to seek an immediate increase of the oil payment from 5% to 20% from Petronas and the federal government which will bring Sabah an additional revenue of RM2,823.75 billion based on 2012 figures given by the Sabah government.

This 20% is not wishful thinking as it has even been declared by the Chief Minister that the government will be seeking a review of the oil payment.   Unless of course, this is an empty promise and election gimmick given during the run-up the GE-13.

And the Sabah coffers will be further increased with return of the 40% net revenue collected by the federal government from Sabah as provided under the Tenth Schedule of the Federal Constitution.

Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan
Chairman, STAR Sabah
12 November 2013

Monday, November 11, 2013

Re-convene RCI Urgently to Investigate Fake ICs–Dr.Jeffrey

Kota Kinabalu:“PM Najib and the Royal Commission of Inquiry on Illegal Immigrants in Sabah (RCI) should take immediate steps to re-convene and hear fresh and further evidence from new witnesses from security guardsarrested recently with fake ICs including the AmBank murder cum robbbery suspect," said Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, STAR Sabah Chief, commenting on news of the arrest of the AmBank case suspect and other arrests of foreigners with fake ICspurportedly given in Sabah but alleged to be Sabahans.                                          

The spate of arrests of fake Sabahans and fake ICs would give a fresh lead to the RCI to probe deeper into the issuance of fake ICs in Sabah and the stealing of identities as alleged Sabahans.                          

The further inquiry would also give an opportunity for the authorities to investigate the issuance of the fake ICs through the wide powers and scope of investigations under the RCI.                          

The investigations would also help to clear the misconceptions circulating against genuine Sabahans in the Peninsular who are viewed with suspicions that they may be illegals and their ICs are fakes.  It is unacceptable for genuine and innocent Sabahans to bear the brunt of the consequences of the fake ICs given in Sabah to foreigners.

Last but not least, further investigations may very well lead all the way to the culprits responsible for the issuance of fake or dubious ICs and MyKads in Sabah.                         

If the RCI is not re-convened, it will only lead to further speculations and suspicions against the Najibadministration  and the impartiality and ultimate and true objective of the RCI.           

Surely, the PM would not wish his hands to be tainted with accusations of cover-up of the culprits responsible for the fake ICs and to protect their Umno/BN voters for hire and that the RCI is a political tool and gimmick to fool genuine Sabahans.                     

At the same time, the RCI would not wish to be branded as a toothless tiger and used by the federal government and not really serious to dig deep into the roots of the problems of illegals, issuance of dubious ICs and now fake MyKads and voters for hire recruited by the Umno special taskforce led by current Umno leaders.

“On behalf of the silent majority and as an elected representative, I am making this special and urgent appeal to PM Najib and theRCI to re-convene the RCI hearings to hear fresh evidence of the fake ICs from Sabah and the fake Sabahan security guards.  I am quite sure most of right thinking Sabahans and Malaysians will support my appeal," said Dr Jeffrey.                                         

The ball is now at the feet of PM Najib and the RCI.

Datuk Dr.Jeffrey Kitingan
Chairman, STAR Sabah
10 November 2013

Friday, November 8, 2013

Don’t Settle for Anything Less–Dr.Jeffrey

Kota Kinabalu: “The MPs from Sabah and Sarawak are kingmakers and can make or break the Umno/BN federal government.  PRS and SPDP must stand firm and seek their just entitlements in the federal Cabinet and not accept crumbs posts any longer,” said Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, STAR Sabah Chief in response to the impending Cabinet reshuffle promised by PM Najib to announced anytime soon.

The Borneo States saved the Barisan Nasional from losing power in the recent general election and helped keep Najib as the Prime Minister by winning 47 parliamentary seats.  But it only takes 23 out of the 47 seats to change the federal government and for the PM to become the federal Opposition Leader. 

Hence, these MPs need to constantly remind the PM and the federal government that Sabah and Sarawak are crucial for its political survival and areequal partners to Malaya in the formation of Malaysia.

The times for giving “Menteri Jalan-jalan” to Borneo MPs just to fill up positions and appease Borneo-based parties are gone.  Neither is a chairmanship of a 1-Malaysia cow-dung committee acceptable.

Both PRS and SPDP have 10 MPs and giving them 1 minister and 2 deputies are not acceptable.   If MIC with 4 MPs are given 2 ministerial and 2 deputy posts, there is no reason not to give PRS and SPDP 4 full ministerial positions.

The Sarawak federal lawmakers should not just stop with ministerial positions.  Along with their ministerial responsibilities, there must be allocations and discretion and power to decide on projects in Sarawak to bring development in all aspects.  It is not rocket science or opposition rhetoric that both States lag far behind in development and progress compared to even rural Malaya.

Budget 2014 announced by the PM recently with a miserly RM2 billion allocations for Sabah and Sarawak including RM500 million for the Pan-Borneo Highway will not go far in speeding up development.

Most importantly, the Sarawak MPs must seek the restoration of the oil and gas ownership rights and getting only 5% with the other 95% going to Petronas and the federal government is no longer acceptable.    They need to support their Chief Minister who had voiced recently that Sarawak intends to seek a review of the oil payments due to Sarawak.

The Sarawak MPs will not be faulted if they just seek the oil and gas rights for Sarawak alone and leave the Sabah’s oil and gas issue to Sabah MPs.

While they are at it, they should extend their discussions with the PM to include the rights, privileges and autonomy of the Borneo States that were taken away or eroded since 1963.   These rights and privileges were promised and assured by the Malayan leaders including provisions in the Malaysia Agreement and the 20/18 Points.

For the record, the PM himself has in the run-up the GE-13 and during the Malaysia 50th anniversary celebrations reiterated that the 20-Points for Sabah were still relevant and that Sabah and Sarawak were equal partners in the formation of Malaysia.

In the Cabinet reshuffle, the Sarawak MPs should not just accept minor positions and seek their just entitlements for Sarawak and not settle for anything less.
Sabah and Sarawak are not demanding for more than their entitlements or taking away any entitlements or rights from other parties.The current realities of the political power wielded by the Borneo States can make things happen.  Just ask and it may be given, demand and it will be given by the PM to safeguard his position.

Who knows? If the Borneo States push hard enough, Sabah and Sarawak may just be booted out of Malaysia just like Singapore.

Datuk Dr.Jeffrey Kitingan
Chairman, STAR Sabah
05 November 2013

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

“Recall all ICs Issued in Sabah and Issue a new Sabah IC–Dr.Jeffrey”

Kota Kinabalu:    “There is now no other viable option available to the federal government but to recall all ICs issued in Sabahif the federal government is serious to overcome the fake ICs problem now growing menacingly in the Peninsula,” said Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, STAR Sabah Chief on the sudden discovery and increasing number of fake Mykads issued in Sabah and used for crimes in the Peninsula.

The problem of fake MyKads and the weeding out of illegal holders of MyKads can be resolved easily if the federal government is serious to tackle the problem.

All that is need is for the National Registration Department (NRD) to produce the records of every birth certificate and identity card issued in Sabah from 16 September 1963 and verily them.   It may be long and tedious but it can be done and should be considered for the sake of national security.

It has to be remembered that there could be as many as 1.5 million fake MyKads out there purportedly issued to illegals in Sabah since the 1970s.

Considering the tragic murder of an innocent bank office cum mother of two young kids, the goldsmith shop robbery and the discovery of 20 security guards with fake MyKads, the potential threat to the nation is alarming and frightening.  They could be just the tip of the iceberg.

With due respect to the innocent victims and their families, these incidents are a blessing in disguise for Sabah as well as for the nation.   It has helped to capture the attention of the entire nation of the monster problem festering in Sabah all this while.

With the benefit of hindsight, the fake MyKad incidents and the unsurprising discoveries and revelations at the recently concluded RCI on illegal immigrants in Sabah, one cannot help but point an accusing finger at the federal leaders and the NRD and the Election Commission for their dirty hands involvement.

“Who can we trust now?  Can the federal government and the federal agencies be relied upon to protect and safeguard the interests and safety of Sabahans” he queried.

The Sabah government, he said, should seriously consider taking drastic and urgent steps to ensure the better security of Sabah and its people by setting up a HOMELAND SECURITY MINISTRY and DEPARTMENT to complement and supplement the shortcomings of the federal agencies in protecting the people in Sabah.

“This is the only way to ensure that the security and sovereignty of Sabah are genuinely protected” stressed Dr. Jeffrey.

The rhetoric statements of the then de-facto Minister for Law and Home Minister that the illegal immigrants in Sabah do not pose a security risk are all hogwash to hoodwink the people.  It has also create a false sense of security to the people in the Peninsula but not in Sabah where the locals feel the fear and insecurity caused by the illegals many of whom are Umno members.

The 2010 national census showed that there are 889,770 legal and illegal foreigners in Sabah.

Looking at the failures of the federal government and the federal agencies, the Sabah government need to take full control of the State immigration and national registration departments to ensure the laws are implemented and to safeguard the sovereignty of Sabah as well as the security and well-being of all Sabahan Malaysians.

The Homeland Security Department can then issue a new Sabah IC for all genuine Sabahans.  This way, the federal government will not be able to issue MyKads to illegals as Sabahans.

If the federal government wish to continue issuing the dubious MyKads to illegals and foreigners, they can send all of them to stay in Putrajaya and the Federal Territories of Kuala Lumpur and other States in the Peninsula and they deal with the crime and social problems created by these fake MyKad holders.   The federal government need to be reminded that every Sabahan is a Malaysian but not every Malaysian is a Sabahan.

Datuk Dr.Jeffrey Kitingan
Chairman, STAR Sabah
03 November 2013

“Charge the Culprits Responsible for Issuing Fake ICs–Dr.Jeffrey”

Kota Kinabalu: "The Prime Minister, Home Minister, National Registration Department (NRD) and the Police are complicit and as guilty as the foreigners holding fake MyKads if they do not investigate further and charge the culprits responsible for issuing the fake Mykads,” said Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, STAR Sabah Chief on the sudden discovery and increasing number of fake Mykads.

It is not mere coincidence or the mere negligence or slipshod error of a single officer in the NRD that there are so many fake MyKads discovered now.   More so, when these people are employed as security guards and are supposed to assist in keeping the peace and security, not commit more crimes.

There should be a full and proper investigation and back-tracking of the fake MyKads now seized from the on-going court cases,   There should be a long trial of evidence if proper forensic investigation are carried out that.  The evidence will eventually lead to the culprits responsible for the issuance of the fakeMyKads.

Citing the example of a native from Bingkor, Keningau, whose identity card was used as a fake MyKad by a foreigner, the native had reported the loss of his IC and was given a replacement card.  How is it possible for another MyKad to be issued or used by the foreigner who had committed the goldsmith shop robbery?

The authoritiescannot and should not leave the matter hanging after the charging and conviction of the foreigners holding the fake MyKads because that is not the end of the story.  There is every reason to investigate further and get to the root of the problem unless there is an ulterior motive to protect the culprits.   If not, the problem will continue recurring.

The culprits have committed treason and protecting the culprits is as guilty as treason itself.   The future and the well-being of all Malaysians are more important than protecting a small number of criminals no matter how their criminal activities have advanced the political interests of certain groups.

The Prime Minister, Home Minister, NRD and the Police must therefore act in the larger interest of the nation and the majority and not to protect the culprits and must show to the world that they are not in the banana republic of Malaysia.

If they are incompetent or not competent enough or do not possess the know-how or do not have the expertise to investigate further, the federal government should invite the US Federal Bureau of Investigation or Interpol to assist in the investigations.

Previously, the issue of illegals being issued fake MyKads was confined to Sabah.   Now that the problem has been exported to the Peninsula and causing havoc with serious crimes and murder, the PM should seize the opportunity to act and correct the mistakes of past leaders before the nation goes down the drain.

Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan
Chairman, STAR Sabah
02 November 2013

“Stamp Out Imported Malayan Hegemony – Dr. Jeffrey”

Kota Kinablau:   “The Sabah government must assert its authority and stamp out any attempt to impose imported Malayan hegemony over Sabah and her citizens”said Datuk Dr.Jeffrey Kitingan, STAR Sabah Chief in voicing his concerns over the sudden and unusual transfer of 7 non-Malay Sessions judges/magistratesto the Peninsular.

It is highly unusual that 7 Borneo native non-Muslim judges and magistrates are transferred in one go.  This transfer and consequential replacements with Malayans raise doubts and questions over the motives of the federal leaders in their treatment of Sabahans/Sarawakians.  

“Is this part of the Federal government’sMalayanization programme?” asked Dr. Jeffrey, “and isn’t their replacements contradictory with the Borneonization set out under the 20-Points and the Malaysia Agreement”.

The issue of transfers, Borneonization and rights of Sabahans/Sarawakians are important aspects of the special rights and privileges of Sabah and Sarawak agreed in the formation of Malaysia. 
“Is there no government in Sabah to look after Sabahans? Has the Sabah government been consulted? 
Is the Sabah government aware of this? Has the Chief Judge of Sabah and Sarawak being consulted?” queried Dr. Jeffrey.

“It seems to me that the Federal government no longer respect thespecial rights and privileges of Sabah and Sarawak.” opined Dr. Jeffrey.

“I would like to know what is the official stand of the Sabah government.

More questions are raised when one considers the rumours and speculations circulating around over this transfer move by the federal judicial and legal service.

At the outset of the formation of Malaysia, it was agreed that there would be a High Court of Borneo, now known as the High Court in Sabah and Sarawak and the appointment of judicial officers and commissioners do not rest with the federal authorities.

While the lower courts officers come under the judicial and legal service commission, the federal government need to take cognizance that Sabah has its own set of local laws and customary laws and is not ruled by federal law alone.    The land laws take cognizance of local native customary rights and the local native customary laws and are alien to Malayans, as if it is from another world compared to Sabah.

In the dispensation of justice, Sabahans are entitled to and expect to be judged by qualified persons and knowledge of local laws and customs should a pre-requisite in Sabah. The rumours and speculations are adding fuel to the fire.  As it is, the Director of the Courts is a Muslim from Malaya.   So is the Chief Registrar of the Courts which is traditionally held by a Borneo native.

“Is the transfer move an attempt to prevent a local native from being promoted?   Is the move a pre-cursor to bring in another Muslim Malay from the Peninsula?”

Whatever the motive or objective of the transfer move and subsequent replacement exercise, the Sabah government and the Chief Judge of Sabah and Sarawak need to look into the matter and assert their authority as Sabah and Sabahans expect them to do.

As aptly stated by the Chief Minister of Sarawak in the presence of the Prime Minister, the Sabah government must do likewise and stop any attempt to impose Malayan Muslim hegemony in Sabah.  There is no place in Sabah for such race and religion extremism.

Datuk Dr.Jeffrey Kitingan
Chairman, STAR Sabah
31 October 2013